Are CSRFs Still a Thing?

What SameSite by default means for the future of CSRFs.

CSRF vulnerabilities happen when attackers can initiate forged state-changing requests from a foreign domain. This usually occurs because the user’s browser sends session cookies regardless of where the request originates from.

Besides implementing CSRF tokens to ensure the authenticity of requests, another way of protecting against CSRF is SameSite cookies.

SameSite CookiesPermalink

A web application instructs the user’s browser to set cookies via a Set-Cookie header. For example, this header will make the client browser set the value of the cookie PHPSESSID to UEhQU0VTU0lE:


Besides the basic “cookie_name=cookie_value” designation, the Set-Cookie header allows several optional flags you can use to protect your users’ cookies. One of them is the SameSite flag, which helps prevent CSRF attacks. When the SameSite flag on a cookie is set to Strict, the client’s browser will not send the cookie during cross-site requests.

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=UEhQU0VTU0lE; Max-Age=86400; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict

Another possible setting for the SameSite flag is Lax. This setting tells the client’s browser to send a cookie only in GET requests that cause top-level navigation. This setting ensures that users still have access to the resources on your site if the cross-site request is intentional.

For example, if you navigate to Facebook from a third-party site, your Facebook logins would be sent. But if a third-party site initiates a POST request to Facebook or tries to embed the contents of Facebook within an Iframe, cookies would not be sent.

Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=UEhQU0VTU0lE; Max-Age=86400; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax

Specifying the SameSite attribute is good protection against CSRF because both the Strict and Lax settings will prevent browsers from sending cookies on cross-site form POSTAJAX requests, and within iframes and image tags. This renders the classic CSRF hidden form attack useless.

SameSite by DefaultPermalink

Earlier this year, Chrome and a few other browsers made SameSite=Lax the default cookie setting if it’s not explicitly set by the web application. This means that even if a web application does not implement CSRF protection, attackers will not be able to attack a victim using the Chrome browser using POST CSRF.

So in the future, the efficacy of a classic CSRF attack will be greatly reduced since Chrome has the largest web browser market share.

On Firefox, the SameSite by default setting is a feature that needs to be enabled. You can enable it by going to about:config and setting network.cookie.sameSite.laxByDefault to true.

Is CSRF Still Possible?Permalink

Yes. Even with browsers adopting the SameSite by default policy, CSRFs are still possible under some conditions.

First, if the site allows state-changing requests with the GET HTTP method, then third-party sites can attack users by creating CSRF with a GET request.

For example, if the site allows you to change a password with a GET request, attackers could embed a link like this in forums to trick users into clicking on it:

In this case, since clicking on the link will cause top-level navigation, the user’s session cookies will be included in the GET request and the CSRF attack will succeed.

GET /password_change?new_password=abc123
Cookie: session_cookie=YOUR_SESSION_COOKIE

Another scenario is when sites manually set the SameSite attribute of a cookie to None. Some web applications have features that require third-party sites to send cross-site, authenticated requests. In that case, developers might explicitly set SameSite on a session cookie to None. When the SameSite attribute is set to None, sending the cookie cross-site is allowed, so traditional CSRF attacks would still work.

Finally, if the victim is using a browser that does not set the SameSite attribute to Lax by default (like IE and Safari), traditional CSRF attacks would still work if the target application does not implement diligent CSRF protection.

